Welcome. Whether you’ve found this site at the recommendation of a friend, stumbled across a link on another site or forum, or simply come across us via a time-honoured Google search, welcome.
Who are we? We’re the Coalition of the Brave. What does that mean? Read on.
The world right now holds a lot of anger, and a lot of hate. People wield religion, sexuality, gender and race as weapons to spread fear and revulsion, whipping others into a frenzy. This has to stop. Far too much of it is borne out of ignorance, and it has to stop.
That’s where we come in. This site is a platform for anyone who values life and believes compassion to be a stronger force than hate. Here, we discuss things. We may disagree with you, and even amongst ourselves, but we do so without hostility. Here, we take a stand against ignorance and hate. We are all human beings, with far more in common than we realise. We let things that should not matter divide us – not here. Here, we are brave enough to talk to each other.