30 thoughts on “And to anti-choice women: If it’s not YOUR uterus, you DON’T get a vote.

  1. As a man yeah fuck you I can have a say on the laws in my state . Also to that so called woman blaming the man alone for all unwanted pregnacies fucking wow nice way to absolve all women of choice and or concequences of her shitty action ie Sleeping with some random guy then picking to murder a innocent life because it will inconvence her. I think that guys should have a bit of say as its part of his gentics she is picking to either correcrtly carry to term or immorally murder because she is a selfish woman . 3 Abortion for non medical reasons you get put on a list and if / when you do have a child your parental rights are taken because you have proven to prefer child murder and are a danger to that child now if it inconvenaces your lifge in anyway Guess what maybe do not fuck men you do not wanna have kids with . Or Maybe be on birthcontrol / have a iud . Fuck I am for a male version of the pill . I lost my ability to have kids thanks cancer


    1. First things first Asher, if you wish to continue to have your comments published here, I ask that you consider how you address others please.

      Let me ask you something – you that the government should not interfere in how you live your life, correct?


      1. I took her blaming all men for every unwanted pregnancy as a attack so yeah I got heated. It takes 2 parties to create a new life so both parties are at fault . Yes government can have a say on if I take a innocent life they can punish me for such. Same goes for women who want to abort for non medical or rape / incenst reasons I am fully against ele tion abortions or abortions out of convenience. It’s a vile selfish act of a bad woman in my opinion


      2. I already know you will be vile and twisted this into pushing that I should be for forced vaccination . While yes government has the ability to make laws baring murder. Just not taking that clot shot is not a certain death like a woman murdering her child in a abortion. Why are you people so pro abortion? It is not just being pro choice it is like people who advocate for abortion are wanting it full stop no limits or rules around it at all . I would love it to be that abortions are never to be needed for non medical reasons. That people were smarter with life choices so they would not have normal sex with a person that they were not ready to have kids with. I’d love it if rape simply did not exist . Abortion for convenence sake is no better than murdering a innocent person or even no better than actual rape just like convicted rapists should be on lists for life after serving time so should women who abort be put on a list as they are a danger to children in my opinion


      3. Come off it Asher. Admit to your double-standard. If you advocate for bodily autonomy in some respects, and not in others, then that makes you a hypocrite. And you know what? I am guilty of same. I dare say almost everyone is guilty of hypocrisy on the subject of bodily autonomy.

        The bottom line, despite whatever conspiracy-fuelled arguments exist, is that vaccines save lives. Just look at the history of the smallpox vaccine, or measles, or tuberculosis. These deadly and crippling diseases are all-but gone now. Would you rather those diseases still existed, and still killed children, in the name of bodily autonomy? Of course you wouldn’t. No sane person would. Yet it is often self-described pro-lifers who would then refuse vaccination in favour of ‘alternative medicines’, and do nothing whilst their loved one withers and dies (and please note Asher, I am *NOT* saying this is your position, I am merely making a point).

        The notion of convenience is an interesting one. What qualifies as convenience? Is it ‘not wanting a kid yet’, or is it something more substantial? Might be a question of ‘can we afford to have this baby?’ The cost of childbirth alone (assuming no complications) is into the realm of thousands of dollars, and that’s to say nothing of the costs of shots, food, clothing, and so on. We live in a culture of greed Asher. Pro-lifers demand the baby be born, but do not care one iota for whether or not the baby can be properly cared for once born. Will you advocate for an end to the idea that the parents should be charged thousands of dollars to have a kid? Will you suggest putting into place policies that protect the poorest families from rising medical bills (to say nothing of the rising cost of living?) You presumably want the best for these kids you demand be born – will you waive university fees so they have the best crack at education? Or are they on their own once they’re born?


      4. It is not the government responsibility to care for every last person .The insane cost of having a kid at a hospital is unfair mostly but then those people choose to have sex that resulted in a child. You want me to advocate for a system like the UK how your healthcare works nope not happening. Can not afford to have a child well do not have traditional sex personal accountability on both parties part. Be more selective with whom you have sex with. Better brithcontrol meds . I will not advocate free everything like you are claiming I should since I am not all for unlimited baby murder like so call pro choice advocates


      5. Then Asher, you are helping to create/defend the very conditions you are decrying. You know full-well that contraceptives can fail. You know full-well that human beings are hard-wired to be intimate, and loving couples are going to have sex. You also know that sometimes, either party might coerce/pester the other party into having sex. If you do not wish for the social conditions that lead to people *not* facing desperate choices, then do something to change those conditions, beyond pompous announcements over who should have sex and when.


      6. So I must be okay with rampant unlimited abortions because I am not for your view of how the government should care for every last person and tax is at insane rates I reject your standard. I can be anti abortion for non medical or rape reason . While still not being for all the far left social programs you are… Yeah people will have sex but maybe be more picky with who or when they do it knowing it will result in a life they will have to care for


      7. Not what I’m saying Asher. Please don’t misrepresent what I am saying.

        The idea that looking after people is some sort of scary ‘far-left’ plot is unreasonable. Wanting to ensure parents aren’t weighted down with crushing, inescapable debt for wanting to have a family is not unreasonable. You presumably care not only about making sure babies are born, but that they can be well-cared for, no? A couple can work hard, provide a loving home… and still not have enough to make ends meet. It’s not about being being choosy about their sexual partners. It’s about a thoroughly broken system, that leaves people with few options.


      8. Well yeah system is broken but your mandated solutions are not favorable . Nor is how you think abortions should remain legal with no res limits. We will not see eye to eye on this you are for every far left program I am for none


      9. What solutions would you suggest? Mandated, forced-birth? That sound suspiciously like the sort of thing a far-left (or far-right, for that matter) dictatorship would do. You don’t like the system, yet what are you suggesting we do to fix it? Like I said, it is not ‘far left’ to want to ensure the babies you demand be born have a fair chance. You cannot have it both ways Asher. You’re either pro-life, which should also factor in quality of life, or you’re just forced-birth.


      10. It is far left when you are saying the government should control it all and tax people like me at 50% or higher to fund others choices. Oh you say forced birth like it will change my mind . Not all people will have the same standard of life to make it a government mandate they should is arsine . Should people be crippled by medical debts to the level we have it no insurance system is so broken . I am not for me having to pay for some other persons kids their healthcare not student loans . I am not for paying for political figures to fuck me over nor send young man and women over seas to die on bullshit wars for that matter either that is why I am anti tax .


      11. Thing is Asher, I’m not saying ‘hand over control of everything’. If you had bothered to read my posts and arguments properly in the past, you know that.

        You may not like the idea, but if you want to create a set of circumstances where abortions are less likely, you need to consider that the current system is completely not suitable for that purpose.


      12. And your pro abortion no limits is not a proper moral one either . You want a person like me to be penalized by a bias government ie taxed to give it away to bloated welfare programs or to give some moron who picked a shit college major a free ride to never have to pay a cent in student loans . That system is real fantasy land thinking . If we only made student loans non interest rate loans so people taking them out only have to pay back what they took out that is acceptable …. As for me having to pay for someone eles child care while parents can pop out as many kids as the want all while getting that government free ride nope. Bare basic if any help and it only applies to the first child after that on your own . Yes it is calous and mean but such as life .


      13. Then you are creating your own problem Asher. You cannot complain or whine about it, if you are unwilling to consider how to resolve it, beyond draconian (and ironically far-left, as you call it) government intervention on how people can use their own bodies.


      14. No I can decry a fucked up system when your solutions littlerly steals from my bank account and takes from my ability to care for me and mine. I think abortion is imoral period I make acceptions for medical and the other . But not for oh the condom broke or hell we are both broke and can even care for ourselves but wanna bang with the risk of having a kid. If you do not want to risk pregnancy you can choose not to fuck or choose non traditional sex acts to still be sexual with your partner but not risk a child you do not want or 1 you can not afford. I am at the point with a loving woman I wish I could have kids so watching you rampant pro abortion advocates saying y’all have the right to end that life offends me on more levels than It used to . On a real note do you think the way abortion is done now even moral is is a sad refel tion of how fucking fallen we are as society that people even consider abortion to be a good choice?


      15. Do you know what I decry Asher?

        I decry a system where people work hard, every day, yet live paycheck-to-paycheck, forcing them to make difficult decisions, as and when they become pregnant. You might spout holier-than-thou ideals about sexual relations, but you cannot be so naïve as to expect every couple to abstain, in every set of circumstances, because of the *possibility* of contraceptives failing. You cannot be so ignorant that you have nothing to say about being being crippled by say, the cost of insulin, or having to choose between paying rent or filling the fridge, because wages have risen so miserably compared to inflation and taxes.

        There’s enough in the pot for everyone to have more, and for the wealthy to remain wealthy, and guess what? In those circumstances, you might not get so many desperate decisions around abortions. If however, you prefer to side with the cold, callous and the greedy, then that’s upon you Asher.

        For what it’s worth, I am genuinely sorry you cannot have kids.

        I think abortion is a desperate choice, for the reasons I have offered, and I have offered ideas for solutions, but I won’t pretend to have all the answers. It is a tangled web of overlapping issues, with no quick fixes, and no answers that will make everyone happy.


      16. Your solution is to hold people like me at government gun point to pay out the ass in taxes because people can not be reasonable enough to pick wiser choices . Living pay to check to pay check sucks . Yeah a restructuring of how we pay people might be in order but not making it so a unskilled person is making 15 or 20 per hour like some have said is needed. What you want is the person who made it in life to be forced to live a much lower standard so the unskilled or people with 4 and 5 kids living on welfare to have it better . Not how the world works. Besides all the waste work on the government systems you want in place. I am morral better than you as I do not see abortion for convenence or lack of money as a socially acceptable 1 it should be unthinkable that a woman should pick to abort because she is in college and wants to keep partying or that she wants to continue her bs job It is fucking vile that a man would allow a woman he loves or cares about to abort his and her child because it’s not the right time or whatever other excuse women getting abortion make for themselves. You call it a desperate act okay what other so called desperate act should we just excuse or even cheer on I can say a lot of vile things might be a desperate choice for that person at that time . Should those things to should be legal … How about theft out of desperation ? How about murdering your crying 4 year old and you are just at your end of the rope should that act be excused as well . Where is your line for allowing evil acts even ones out of desperation . Or is it you just want women allowed to kill babies with no consequences?


      17. Asher, your appeals to emotion and your increase in insults and lies will not fly with me.

        I am preparing a post on this very subject, and when it is ready, I urge you to read it properly. It is well-past time you stopped misframing my positions.


      18. If you are for increased taxes you are for holding people at government gun point plain and simple because of you do not pay they are able to seize your property and or imprison you . Your appeals to say I should shut up and either just not care about abortions or fucking pay more so other have more and I have less . Taxes are theft no matter how you slice it . I will expect you post to be filled with very left wing bs typical for you . What part of my income should others be entitled to?


      19. My argument Asher, is not to tax people like you and me more. There is plenty in the pot so that people like you and me do not have to just barely get by, least of all if, through no fault of our own, we end up sick or hurt. You cannot be blind to how people like Musk, Bezos etc horde huge sums of wealth, wealth that could be used to pay their workers a fair wage. The same is true of a lot of employers and a lot of these mega-wealthy tycoons.

        And before you go off about how I’d strip them of all their wealth, I wouldn’t be advocating for that. There is enough out there for the entrepreneurs and the business owners and the executives etc to be wealthy and to be comfortable, whilst ensuring that people do not have to sleep on the street, or go without food. I know you have this misguided belief that we can depend upon the charity and goodwill of people like Musk to help solve these serious problems; I am not so naïve.


      20. You still want to seize a portion of the wealth of Musk and Bezos they should not be forced into giving more and more of that money away to the gov to waste is not the solution. Paying better for skilled labor sure I am open to that with in reason. While I will not be for allowing the government to control my level of health sre I am allowed. Because in your lil system of government controlled healthcare yes for ed vax would become a part of that . Actual charity is more acceptable than forced kind you want at gun point of the government . We vastly disagree . I aspire to have Even half the amount of money Musk has access to . No matter if I like Musk or Bezos or not they made their money via good idea or good investment at right time . You have 0 right to demand they give 1 cent away to other if they do not want to . Just like you have no right to demand the government to give people free rides . You trust the government far to much I trust good people around those struggling maybe to much .


      21. Only so called vax I am strongly against is that clot shot for the manufacturered illness of population control COVID . Many others have passed years and years of testing some even many decades . With that said I still would not force anyone against their will to take any med they do not want to take nor would I allow places to strip away the rights of people who pick for themselves to not take a med. You were so pro places barring entry and even medical services for people who did not want that clot shot. I would call that one of the most vile things on earth . I will assume you feel I still should not be allowed to come out of my home because I refuse to let the gov inject anything it wants into my body. Me not taking that shot has not killed anybody. . on the flip side Women aborting babies with no good reason has killed many. Before you say it yes even a fetus is a human life the instant of conception a new set of human DNA is created . Scientifically speaking that is the creation of new life. Now you can say it’s not human life until it draws first breath . Then I would call you a monster because that is the stance those who think abortion up until moment of birth should be legal some go as far as post birth ending of the child’s life . Seeing as you have a daughter how would you feel if your wife moments after she was born decided she wanted her to not live anymore would that hurt you …. Or let’s say she made the choice to unilaterally end that child at 10 or even 15 weeks in no speaking with no nothing she just did does it not caring for your thoughts or feelings on such. That is the kind of evil women do daily they end the lives of children with not so much as talking with her partner . If some state want to have strong anti abortion laws that is allowed in my country now . Same goes for states who wish the may it a no limit thing. Both are equally legal . One I morrally agree with the other I do not


  2. Taking your moral standard of abortion being just because it’s out of desperation to it’s conclusion asking where your line is for allowing that kind of evil. Okay instead of abortion how about artificial womb tech . I know it’s not fully viable far as we know yet .


  3. Asher, taking your ideas about bodily autonomy could lend me to say you are evil. Would you vaccinate against say, measles, or would you not do so, for the sake of your bodily autonomy, and damn the consequences for anyone else?


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