Taking on more MRA/MGTOW Stuff

EDIT: allow me to state, very clearly and for the record, that I mislabeled the author of Gentleman’s Foundry as a MGTOW/MRA. I wish to make it clear that he is not associated with either group, and I apologise for suggesting he was.

This entry looks at a take on feminism. In this instance, I’m taking a look at a post on a site called ‘Gentleman’s Foundry’. One that speaks about feminism.

Since I don’t have a name for the author, I guess ‘Gentleman’ will have to do for now. Where I am quoting him the posts will be in pink (handy, since he does this himself when he quotes someone), and where he quotes someone else, the writing will be in green. Initially Gentleman is quoting from here.

I am tired. Tired of constantly having to defend my beliefs as if they were as radical and faulty as Nazism.  You and me both, sister.  Except I’m actually targeted for violence, and told I’m unwelcome because of my skin color and assumed gender.  I am not even permitted a “groupthink” with my group.  In fact, if white men coalesce in any sense, it is inherently racist.

What are we looking at here? The white man persecution idea? I’m not aware of a systematic, institutionalised pattern of violence against white men – are white men more likely to be shot and killed by police in the US? No, black people are 2.5 times more likely to be killed. In fact, when you consider unarmed killings… and I quote:

U.S. police officers have shot and killed the exact same number of unarmed white people as they have unarmed black people: 50 each. But because the white population is approximately five times larger than the black population, that means unarmed black Americans were five times as likely as unarmed white Americans to be shot and killed by a police officer.

What about because of gender? It’s true that men are more likely to be victims of violent crime, but then, men are more likely to commit violent crime as well.

Feminism argues for gender equality. Liberal Feminism wants equality through laws and institutions, and Radical Feminism wants equality by abolishing gender roles.  Bullshit.  I’ve read countless things (see Joy of Feminism) where feminists actively advocate for increase in state funded assistance.  That is almost an expected gender role.  Be provided for, instead of being the provider.  It is humiliating to the sex (or should be.)  Feminism never argues gender equality.  It constantly pushes the narrative that, somehow, women have a really hard time in the West.  Yet it never mentions male:female ratios when it comes to homicide, aids, war, suicide, police shootings, marriage law, or (even recently) degrees earned.  Never.  It constantly pushes the idea that men, especially the pale ones, are this oppressive patriarchy.  Despite the fact we die all the time in real life and on TV, and no one cares.  Despite the fact we have to register for the selective service, whether we want to or not, just to apply for loans to go to school.

Actually, feminism does argue for equality. Are there self-described feminists out there who make different arguments? Yes, but feminism is not a monolithic entity. MRAs love to nit-pick when discussing feminism, whilst glossing over the very real statistics on things like rape. Then there’s little details around things like sentencing – which across the world remains poor. Victim-blaming/shaming remains very real. Four-years in New Zealand. Part suspension of sentences in Ireland. The infamous Brock Turner case.

I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg here.

When it comes to war, it has long been held up as a ‘manly’ thing to do, and many countries would go as far as to forbid ‘weak’ women from serving in any capacity. That attitude is slowly changing, but in short, don’t blame feminism for the attitudes that saw men feel it was their duty to fight. The same applies to male suicide – and instead of blaming women/feminism for it, stop to actually tackle the root cause – expectations that men shouldn’t show emotion, or weakness, and bottle everything up, are, once again, not feminist ideas.

Radical feminism, actually advocates for murdering all men and male babies.  That isn’t an abolition of gender roles, that is a violent expression and elimination of ONE gender role.

Besides, the gender roles have nothing to do with biology.  Statistically, violent criminals are males.  Is that a gender role?  Do you want equal representation there?  Or will you admit that men and women are different in some way that might give rise to different life choices?

If you don’t think men and women have distinctly different biology and that hormones have no play in your life…just wait until you have that special time.  You’ll be begging for estrogen supplements to avoid looking/feeling like a man.

Taking the most extreme end of radical feminism is that treating ISIS as the only example of how Muslims behave, or the KKK as the only example of Christianity. It’s absurd.

How can anyone argue about the role biology apparently plays, then decry the patriarchal ideals that maintain biological roles?!

Feminism has become a dirty word because, arguably, men have it much worse statistically than women.  So when feminists emerge wanting more “equality,” yeah it burns a little.  We already make up 90% of workplace deaths.  You want some of that pie?  How about you go fight in the next world war, in the reverse ratio as the last one.  How about you tell your daughter she has to consent to die in war, if she wants to go to college.  How about you grow up in a society where you are expected to be strong, bad, good, tall-dark-handsome, and inherently wealthy because the provision of the family falls squarely on your shoulders?  All while not being permitted to form groups, or express emotion.  Go ahead.  Try it.

Feminism isn’t responsible for the historical, patriarchal thinking that saw women forbade from certain roles. Feminism isn’t responsible for the expectations of masculinity and men being unable to express their feelings. Gentleman’s ire is directed in the wrong direction.

You are getting push-back because…guess what…you’ve reached equilibrium, more or less.  Some MRA’s might say it has skewed too far the opposite way.  I say it hasn’t.  I’m willing to die for my wife, to provide for her and our kids.  I’m willing to sign up for war to protect my country, and I’m willing to take on the increase risks of death, disease, and shorter life expectancy because I’M GRATEFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITY.

I’m willing to fight for my family too. I am also willing to fight for equality.

I have some news for those who don’t call themselves feminists: if you believe in equality, if you believe that all humans are created equal and should be treated equal and given the same possibilities in life, you are a feminist. No, I’m a egalitarian or humanist.  A feminist recognises that the world is inequal in the favour to rich white cis straight men, and believes that this is unfair.  Which is why it is complete bullshit.  Because it isn’t.  To declare someone has some unfair advantage due to a cumulative and divisive categorical assignment is evil.  Race, sexuality, and gender are not points in which someone can advocate for special punishment or expectation.  Not anymore.  I’m sorry, but this type of thinking is outdated and morally corrupt.

People do advocate for different treatment for women, the LGBT community and race, all the time, usually in the form of subtle (or not-so-subtle) oppression or denial of rights. Wanting equality for these groups is not evil.




118 thoughts on “Taking on more MRA/MGTOW Stuff

  1. Self protest MRA and MGTOW Here I choose to not rejoin the plantation of misery known as marriage or relationships with women for many reasons One I do not bow to feminism was raised by a abusive mother who made me feel shame for being born male was told from a young age all men are evil raping monsters . I was in my teen years lock in a mental ward by her for trying to report her abuse .She said I was acting out hell yeah I was cause of her abuse to me and my older brother and utter worship of my younger sister when my sister broke something we were punished for it . One time I was lock outside in the snow cause she came home late and did not have her keys . That was when I snapped and kicked in a window to come in ad get warm . But I will bet you feminist here will condone her actions . While in the ward I was beaten and raped be several Staff members both male and female sodomized me men did it with their dicks women did it with a broom. When I reported it nothing was done when I told my mother she said good you deserved it cause men rape women daily so it time men felt the pain and shame . Years go on I leave home at 17 and start dating not knowing what a good woman looked or acted like I had a string of bad relationships until the one that fully broke me and made me see the truth . She was a relatively nice girl we were kinda living together in a place I rented one day she mentions she was gonna need 5k from me to found her trip to Vegas cause she did not save for it . I told her fuck no I am not doing that so she can go out and act like a whore with her friends at a bachelorette party . She and I have a long drawn out argument . I storm out to cool off and end up at the bar drinking . Little do I know but she either hit her self blackening her eye or has someone hit her to do it I come home drunk yet still a bit mad and sit on my couch to watch a movie it 2am I have been gone since 7pm not 15 mins after I sit down cop bust in and arrest me for Domestic violence . She called the cops saying I hit her after a fight about money Of course they believe her cause of her black eye. I am carted off to jail to sit until I can make bail the next day while I was in jail this “WOMAN” kills my pup destroys my home tv pisses or has someone piss on my laptops then Keys my Truck. I get home to discover all this she is not there wise choice after seeing that I may not have been able to control my rage. I call the cops saying my GF now ex destroyed my home killed my puppy and keyed my truck saying Cheap Ass . They tell me they will be out to take my statement in a bit 6 hrs goes by and they never show I finally drive back to my local station to file a report they follow me back home to see the damage one is visibly laughing at me as I tell them what happened since she was the only other person with the keys she is the only person who could have done this . The file is made and I press charges then am told days later I have no legal recourse and I must allow her to return there to get her stuff . I say no not with out police present . She gets her stuff in fall of 2012 after her I left the dating world and started my path to MGTOW . Now Tell me why would I would I want to risk all that again? Why should I rejoin the plantation? In my opinion Women are incapable of loving men they love the money and protection men are forced offer her or be deemed not a real man . What things can a Woman offer my life I can not fulfill with Sex dolls porn good friends and my dogs? I only see women as a drain and a danger to my life property and freedom

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Your remarks on Twitter have been saved so I can reproduce your dishonesty at any point. It’s up to you, you can retract your lie that I refused to post your comment or I can very easily put your dishonest tweets up.


      2. By the way, I’m not going to publish your childish repetition of your misleading claim. At this point, what reason are you giving me to believe any of your earlier post?


      3. You lied. You refused to admit it or even acknowledge you were in error. In fact, you went straight onto the offensive. It would be a simple matter to say ‘my bad’ and then move on. Instead you’ve become even more belligerent. I am perfectly happy to discuss the wider issues at work here (feminism, MGTOW/MRAS), but I am relying upon you being willing to be honest. Are you prepared to be honest?


      4. Gonna actually talk to real MGTOW’s or MRA’s hell even watching the Documentary the Red Pill it might give you some insight to the issues men not of the feminist horde face hell if you do not want to buy the Movie I can give you a link to a dropbox or Google Docs where you can download it


      5. Dipshit I am blocked for 12 hours thanks to feminists like you I will not retract I will how ever update it to I was mistaken and add the fact your page is for feminist bigots as you proved it was


      6. I don’t have to offer concessions. You made an inaccurate and misleading statement on Twitter. I can prove that. I can report it and earn you a longer ban. I am not the one in error here, you are.


      7. Seeing as my head is not up my ass about issues women face no I would not sit and listen to some feminist harpy tell me how it is my fault she is not a Doctor or Scientist with her gender studies degree . Nor would I tolerate her screaming rape just cause my leg may have touched hers on public transit Feminist scream about issues that are real most times but are exceedingly rare they also scream about nonsense like how air conditioning in offices is sexist when men have it cooler since they wear suits and she is wearing thin pants and a shirt or a Skirt another thing that is false you feminist types drone on about is the wage gap which has been disproven numerous times but feminist can not let a good lie die Feminist also bitch about how men compliment them on their looks sure if he is being a creep and shouting hey nice tits or ass fine he is a creep but not indicative of how all grown men act the last thing I will mention here is the Whole deal where feminists have trivialized rape to the point that they claim Stare rape is Real and Fart rape is real can you see why many sane men want nothing to do with most feminist women they all sound like spoiled petulant children who were told no you can not have a pony


      8. No I do not you are the hypocrite here you think only women deserve rights and men have no issues so their rights do not matter classical feminism for ya big pile of smelly people who always think women have it worse when in fact here in the western world they have it better then men most of time


      9. Also I find it fumy you refuse to address any of the things I mention its almost as if you are such a bigot you think feminists bitching about non issues like sexist air conditioning Stare rape or fart rape are justified hmmm hate having your feminist bullshit questioned huh


      10. ” all of us, men and women – is fight for those rights, not along gender lines, but along human lines. It does not matter who is discriminating who and why – it all needs to be opposed.” Wow a moment of head from ass removal but you still think women are discriminated against more and men need to do all the work to fix it


      11. That’s not what I think at all. That’s merely your spectacular failure to understand my position. Yours on the other hand, is one I know very well. ‘I’ll blame women for everything and yet not actually *do anything* to solve the problems I moan about’.


      12. ” One man has a suggestion to solve socially-awkward men’s dating woes: Institute a government program which would pay women to go on dates with them.” I 100% oppose anything of this sort done by the government I would say to the awkward guys no matter how hard you try women will not care for you and that if you are seeking sex and have the extra income seek a hooker or brothel but make sure you wear a condom and make sure you tie off said condom and leave with it once finished do not throw it in the trash as the woman can knock herself up with it and put you on the hook for 18 to 26 years of half your income stolen


      13. I think you’ll find it’s not feminism that thinks that. You can blame long-standing patriarchal institutions for the idea that men should provide whilst women stay at home.


      14. Didn’t say all men were evil. More lies from you. However where do you think ideas like men = protectors/earners, women = mothers/homebodies come from? They come from patriarchal thinking. You’re anger is misplaced.


      15. No my anger is correctly placed feminism want women free of all gender expectation and men to remain stuck in the ones the suit to better the lives of women Feminist lies matter


      16. Wrong wrong wrong. But this is not surprising. You have demonstrated dishonesty and hypocrisy, so now I am led to wonder, is there any further point to continuing this conversation?

        Bottom line, are you prepared to make an effort to be reasonable and to stop and think about where men’s issues actually arise? Or are you going to continue with rants? If it’s the latter… well, my patience has limits.


      17. The issue is you think this mythical system known as Muh Patriarchy is the fault of all the world ills and who is apart of this cabal certainly not women as they are all nobel good angels it is the evil men who reject feminist bullshit and champion things like personal accountability and Meritocracy


      18. Check again. Plenty of your comments have been posted, but I am hardly obligated to publish them all, not least of all after I warned you to be reasonable. I’ve permitted MGTOWs to post comments here in the past. I’ll do so again the future. However, this site is not going to permit endless circular tirades.


      19. Check again. Plenty of your comments have been posted, but I am hardly obligated to publish them all, not least of all after I warned you to be reasonable. I’ve permitted MGTOWs to post comments here in the past. I’ll do so again the future. However, this site is not going to permit endless circular tirades.


      20. Yeah sure and I bet you treated like shit the way you treated me refusing to address any points I make just saying oh you sad little man you are wrong feminism is prefect and all should be forced to be feminists


      21. What ‘points’ do you think you’ve raised? You’ve managed to lie on several occasions, attack me personally on several others, and yet you think somehow you’re making points? By all means, summarise them for me and I will gladly pick them apart – if you’re prepared to be reasonable about it, which so far, you haven’t.


      22. Genital integrity women have that right in the western world men do not have the legal right. The right to choose to be a parent or not after the fact like women have with abortion adoption or safe haven law . Men should have the legal right to not have to pay for a child they never wanted not by forcing her to abort simply by signing over his rights to a child . On the other side in divorces with children default custody should be 50/50 unless otherwise proven one parent is unfit


      23. I have to disagree. The rape victim did not ask to get pregnant, yet through an insidious or overt act of violence fell pregnant. Given how many parts of the world won’t allow abortion, even in such cases, this leads the victim to being forced into the role of mother, with all the responsibilities that role involves. The rapist should take a measure of responsibility in the form of financial help.


      24. No I disagree she can choose to put the child up for adoption then . The man who raped her will likely be in jail if she reported him in a timely manner and a rape kit was taken thus his DNA is a match .


      25. She may not want to put the child up for adoption, or it may not be easy for her to put the child up for adoption. Even if she does, she has still put through an horrendous trauma, whereas rape sentences expire and the rapist is free to carry on like nothing happened. He bears responsibility for what he’s done, and that includes to the child.


      26. Are you kidding me? A man convicted of rape gets to Live a normal life when his sentence is over really? He will not find a job easily he will not find a place to live easily so no he does not get to walk around like normal nor should he . But he should not have to fund her life or a life of a child she did not choose to abort or put up for adoption . If she choose to keep the child of rape the likely hood of her resenting and even being abusive to said child who did noting wrong is astronomical whats next making a man who was convicted of rape have to pay her a wage rest of her life?


      27. Someone who commits rape has a better shot these days of carrying on as normal than the victim does. The child should get the support from the father, who let’s not forget, was a willing participant in creating it (unlike the mother).

        By the way, did you know that in some parts of the world a convicted rapist does not serve jail time, or has a short sentence? Bottom line is, they made a choice, that choice hurt one human being and created another. There is not a punishment good enough for them. They should have to provide financially for the child they created.


      28. Just like the Self reporting surveys are wrong because those likely to respond to a sexual violence survey are those who have faced sexual violence in the past and the questions on the survey can be misleading ” Like have you even been coerced into sexual actives you otherwise would not engage in . If the person answered yes or maybe they considered that rape or sexual violence . another have you ever had sex while you were intoxicated if they answered yes again considered rape by the survey


      29. If a person has been coerced into behaviour, does that sound like a consensual situation? Rape is any occasion of non-consensual sex. It doesn’t have to be an overt act of violence. Until you get a yes from the other party, it’s rape. Forcing a yes from someone who is unable to understand what’s happening due to drink or drugs is also in effect non-consensual. This is not rocket science. Moreover, what method of reporting would you consider valid? *Only* government/DOJ-collected data?


      30. Yes I would rely on that data over any feminist study since they have to keep the victim narrative of women alive they have a vested interest in keeping the numbers higher in the 1 in 7 minimum


      31. According to the US DoJ, the range of women who have experienced sexual assault ranges between 15%-20%. However, it has also been acknowledged that police forces have deliberately under reported rape to make their figures look better (Yung, C. R. (2014). How to Lie with Rape Statistics: America’s Hidden Rape Crisis. Iowa Law Review, 99(1197).) From a government site: https://www.nij.gov/topics/crime/rape-sexual-violence/Pages/rape-notification.aspx

        I quote:

        The majority of sexual assaults are not reported to the authorities.

        The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. [3] Reasons for not reporting assault vary among individuals, but one study identified the following as common: [4]
        •Self-blame or guilt.
        •Shame, embarrassment, or desire to keep the assault a private matter.
        •Humiliation or fear of the perpetrator or other individual’s perceptions.
        •Fear of not being believed or of being accused of playing a role in the crime.
        •Lack of trust in the criminal justice system.

        So it would appear there is indeed a problem with under reporting, and also with the police under reporting it too!


      32. And it is shitty when police do that But victims must report if they want anything to be done about it . Not reporting is the worst thing a victim can do after a assault it leaves the person free to possibly commit another act like that . “desire to keep the assault a private matter.” Is that persons choice not the fault of the legal system .


      33. None are valid at least try to report it even just to save another person . I think a person who was raped should report it no matter what or how embarrassed they are of it . That goes for women who get raped and men who get raped , You are aware of male rape victims of women? It is not just male on male rapes that happen to men and us men are made to feel gay if we do not see our rapes by women as a good or pleasurable thing . If we were to go by the logic used on male victims of female rape . Oh you got hard must have wanted it the inverse would be oh you got wet must have wanted it and so on so do not try and play me. Real rape no matter who the victim or perpetrator is a crime that should be met with harsh sentencing same with false claims of rape it should carry the same sentence as real rape carries 10 years min max of life or death penalty


      34. I’m going to reply to your last few comments in one go, because frankly it’s easier than splitting them up.

        You suggest that victims should report it – yes, they should, but do you appreciate that it is not always that simple? You yourself said earlier that when you reported what happened to you, you were not taken seriously. This happens to victims all the time – both male and female. I also mentioned earlier the problem of police forces ignoring rape allegations to make their stats look better, and the problem of victim-shaming in the courtrooms, that can be hugely traumatic for the victim. You want victims to come forward? Make it easier for them to do so. I agree that fake rape allegations are a problem, but this argument gets used to dismiss genuine allegations, further discouraging victims from coming forward. Is that fair?

        Your story about the BDSM is a case in point, and it’s not an isolated case. The only relevant question to ask in such a case should be ‘was consent given?’ If it wasn’t, it was rape. It doesn’t matter what transpired previously. It doesn’t matter what the victim’s sexual habits were. It doesn’t matter what they drank, what they wore, or who they were with. Yet victims face these questions like they are somehow on trial. Is that fair?

        You want to overturn the ideals that trivialised what happened to you, and what happen to rape victims every day? Then take a good long look at the prevailing attitudes in society that suggest men cannot be victims and that women are meant to be weak.

        Finally, I would recommend not treating feminism like some monolithic entity. Are there feminists out there who hate men? Yes, there are, I’ve encountered them myself. However (quite aside from the fact that these women have their reasons, such as being raped, assaulted), they are not the be-all and end-all of feminism. It’s important to realise that the ones who are angry have reasons to be angry, even if they are saying things that you or I might find hurtful or offensive. It is important to remember there are many feminists out there who are not like this, even when they might have reasons to be.


      35. I view feminism as evil and antithetical to real equality you nor any feminist will change my views on the whole I have had enough bad experiences and have herd enough from feminists that want men to be treated as lesser or to remove due process for men accused of rape I think a hard burden of proof must be met to ruin any persons life innocent until prove guilty not the other way around like feminist want for men accused of rape . Yeah my friends case was fucked the guy got handled outside of the legal system and some times that can be a better thing as the beating he got will go with him the rest of his life. I will not side with feminist wanting to lower the burden of proof to hey did you consent if she says no the guy gets locked up on her word more evidence should be used in conjunction. I would advise men or women filming sexual acts and the process of consent to just have in case the other party claims rape . If I still was having sex with normal women that is what I would do I would also tell her my stance on not wanting kids and that she is on her own if the condom fails I know I would make a bad father cause 1 I know my temper 2 do not want to repeat the cycle of abuse and 3 I do not want to be legally bound to another person for 18 plus years call it selfish or evil or whatever you want I just know myself


      36. At this point, is there much point in further discussion? I’ve had my say, and I remain confident in the positions and arguments I’ve put forward. Just as nothing I say will change your mind, nothing you have said to me has convinced me to abandon my positions.


      37. What if the woman say yes to the sex before hand and even during then decides she resends her consent cause she feels like a “Whore” or “Slut” is the man now a rapist cause she changed her mind after the fact? Furthermore Drunk sex is not rape long as the person is able to give consent even while intoxicated it is still consent . coercing someone to have sex is also not rape once you get verbal yes it is not rape , Now if the person says stop during sex yes the other party should stop that instant until the issues is addressed and another verbal yes is given . You forget I was a victim of rape too by both males and females who had authority over me


      38. If a woman says ‘I’ve changed my mind’, even midway through, the man should stop. It’s as simple as that. Likewise, if we are take drunk sex as valid, by that definition anyone could get anyone else blind drink and do whatever they wanted, and it would be consensual. Seem reasonable to you? It’s merely another form of coercion, and coercion is not ok. Would you want to be coerced into doing something you didn’t want to do? Would you consider it fair to be coerced into taking class A drugs against your will? Or manipulated into attacking someone else? Would it be right?

        As a victim yourself, you should of all people be sympathetic to how a victim feels. Did you report what happened to you? Or did you feel you wouldn’t be believed?


      39. I tried to report it but because I am male and the mental ward works had the power I was not taken seriously . I even tried to tell my mother what happened and she said good you deserve it . also if you read my full comment I said if he or she resend consent part way through the other party should stop and address the issue and not continue until anther verbal yes is given . I said if the woman resend consent after the act is done is she free to deem him a rapist cause she changed her mind after the sex was done or cause she regretted the sex after ?


      40. Like I said before, I don’t support the idea of fake rape claims. That’s obviously wrong. Likewise, what happened to you was wrong. Believe me when I say you have my sympathy and I won’t pretend to know what that was like. Revoking consent after the act is not something I can pretend to understand, however if there was some form of coercion or manipulation involved, that is a different matter.


      41. It made me a completely different person I vowed to never be a victim again I took classes on martial arts and carry a weapon on my person every time I leave my home I learned to always be aware of those around me and have a mental escape route if needed


      42. “To me, it’s a no-brainer. Saying someone is responsible for themselves getting raped ” Well in a way they are responsible for not being aware of the type of people they are hanging out with then you add in the fact most women who actually do get raped get raped while drunk or high not say the entire fault they got raped is on them bu if they were not engaging in risky behaviors the chances of them getting raped diminishes greatly .


      43. The responsibility of rape rests entirely with the rapist. Whether the victim was drunk or not should have nothing to do with it. Whether or not the victim was walking home late at night or not has nothing to do with it. The rapist makes a conscious choice to assault another human being. Offering them mitigating circumstances is just wrong. It’s part of what’s wrong with legal systems that seek to blame the victim.


      44. Oh you silly feminist So you think women have no responsibility to protect them selves from violent actions everyone has a responsibility to protect themselves I get it in the UK you can not do such things cause of your ass backwards laws but really now


      45. Wow, so you think a rapist should be allowed to argue mitigating circumstances if their victim was drunk? You think that someone excuses the rapist’s behaviour? Typical victim-blaming moron.


      46. No the rapist bears the grunt of the blame yet if said woman was more aware / took self defense classes or carried pepper spray she could have saved her self . Small portion of blames does lay at the feet of a woman unless she was completely rendered unconscious while the assault took place


      47. *NO* portion of the blame rests with the victim. Society should be teaching men not to rape, not giving them off-ramps by suggesting the victim is somehow at fault.


      48. Most men ie over 99% already know rape is fucking bad saying teach all men not to rape is akin to hey teach all black folks not to sell drug or be in gangs it paints all men as rapists in waiting something I bet you actually think is the case


      49. You haven’t got a clue what I think. I on the other hand, know what you think. You think the victim should be blamed, even if this allows the rapist to get a lighter sentence. You’re excusing their actions.


      50. No I think actual rapists should be put to death either gender who commits real rape deserves this even women who engage in sex with their students should get that as the Teacher hold authority over the student that negates any consent there after . You know nothing of what my hard line stances are are actual rape I think women who accuse men of rape falsely should be sentenced to 10 years on the first offense and life for a second


      51. I know enough from what you said earlier to know you would permit blaming the victim, which in turn would provide an ‘out’ for the offender. This is all here, archived forever in the comments.


      52. Hey since women also rape why not teach both genders not to rape wouldn’t that actually be equality but wait you are a feminist with cognitive dissonance so you can not see the inverse


      53. In case you haven’t noticed (and I’m willing to bet you haven’t), I haven’t been specifying between male rapists or female ones. Likewise with the victims. Your narrative is to suggest that we don’t focus on male-on-female rape, to try and diminish that. Meanwhile, you won’t actually do or say anything to make a difference with men’s rights (you’ll just whinge about feminism).


  2. Whoa…guys….

    I’m the author. And I’ll be responding on my page to prevent censorship. I had no idea any of this was going on. I think I’ll just take out all of the previous responses (even mine) unless they are relevant…then address them.


  3. After reading through your little argument….
    Asher, you would do well to master your presentation of facts and writing. I’m far from the best, but if you want to get through to these people, you have to show them your best. Link the data, give structured arguments.

    Meerkat, please understand that, while you seem to value honesty and integrity, patronizing the other person is insulting. There was a tone to your writing. I can’t say that without pointing out my own hypocrisy.

    I think the main point is, Asher and I feel like we are continually blamed, insulted, and beaten down. (Literally in both of our cases.) When we are insulted it isn’t just “You’re a stupid-face.” it is the type of insult that impugns our honor. “Racist. Homophobe. Misogynist.” When we aren’t. I know I’m not. REALLY not.

    It is okay for the media to openly demonize men. It is okay for people to laugh at us getting raped. Murdered. Yet I’ve never been with a group of men that once laughed at women getting raped or murdered. Quite the opposite. They get angry…the deep…quiet kind of angry. The kind of angry where it is understood in the group that if you meet that rapist….they will disappear.

    So when we see women, feminists…demanding equality…it is easy to get frustrated. Some of us have given more than we should have. Our money, our lives, our innocence…to/for a woman. And we did this all while being called racist, bigoted, white patriarchal males. Can you fathom the cognitive dissonance that causes?

    Being told you are bad, inherently, your entire life. Even if you do your best to fix it. Being told that males are sexist by the same person that sexually abuses you. Being told you are the worst trash in the world, with data supporting the idea that we ARE expendable trash, all by feminists. Being afraid to be around kids, or women, because any of them could have us arrested on a whim. Being told that you rape people, even if it is subconscious. Then…a few of us DARE to form some sort of activist group…and immediately it becomes a group to hate. Not just hate…but be publicly acceptable to hate and demonize. I’ve lost friends for telling them I’m not a rapist. Seriously. A life long friend turned to feminism and demanded I admit I’m a rapist. I refused… (FYI, I’ve never raped anyone, and would kill myself before I did.)

    I’m not a MGTOW. I love women, and will always have a deep spiritual need for the feminine half of humanity. I adore my wife.

    I’m not MRA, either. Because I believe some of the sacrifices men make are necessary for society to function. We NEED to be providers and protectors. I’m proud to be.

    But I’ll be damned if I don’t see their point. It is a terrible feeling, going to work, knowing that its okay to be hated by the same people you are trying to keep alive.

    Try a few thought experiments. Keep the feelings to yourself. Just be honest with yourself.

    When excessively violent scenes are replaced with female victims (even in something like…Marvel movies) would it make you feel sick? Like when Hulk smashes up Loki? What if it was a female getting smashed like that?

    The next time someone makes an underhanded joke about prison rape, what if the victim was female?

    Again, despite being a male, it sickens me to imagine these scenarios. Hypocrisy.

    There is a cultural oppression. And it isn’t one that men set up for the benefit of other men. It isn’t patriarchal. Or matriarchal. It is human. We need to move together to fix it. It can’t be labeled patriarchy and all the men blamed. It is human culture…our collective shortcomings that are responsible.


    1. Gentleman… (as I don’t really know how else to address you!) firstly, let me state publically and for the record that I apologise for mislabelling you as a MGTOW/MRA. I will gladly retract that, and I’ll adapt my original post to reflect that as well. At some stage (when I am not feeling ill) I will try to address the post you made to your own site regarding this article. In the meantime, I’ll take a look at the comment in more detail.

      I think the main point is, Asher and I feel like we are continually blamed, insulted, and beaten down. (Literally in both of our cases.) When we are insulted it isn’t just “You’re a stupid-face.” it is the type of insult that impugns our honor. “Racist. Homophobe. Misogynist.” When we aren’t. I know I’m not. REALLY not.

      It is okay for the media to openly demonize men. It is okay for people to laugh at us getting raped. Murdered. Yet I’ve never been with a group of men that once laughed at women getting raped or murdered. Quite the opposite. They get angry…the deep…quiet kind of angry. The kind of angry where it is understood in the group that if you meet that rapist….they will disappear.

      I’m glad to hear that you and your circle of friends are very much against trivialising rape. Sadly, this is not always the case. Just as you mention further on about thought experiments regarding violence against men, imagine all the times you will have overhead similar casual misogyny.



      It remains a sad reality that men do joke about rape and sexual assault, as well as jokes about demeaning women. Yes, it happens both ways, but in my experience of MGTOWs/MRAs, they want to have their cake and eat it. They demand feminism speak out about men’s problems (which it does anyway) whilst simultaneously demonising it. They rarely if ever actually do anything to highlight the problems men face in society – they just want to detract from women speaking about problems women face.

      They are also highly selective as to the feminist sources they will consider. I’ve said it before (I even mentioned it in the article here) that feminism is not a monolithic entity. If we are to deem it ok to take the most extreme end of feminism as the only example of feminism, is it then ok to take the most extreme end of MGTOWs as representing their movement (take Return of Kings as an example, which is pretty open in its misogyny, bigotry, racism and homophobia)?

      So when we see women, feminists…demanding equality…it is easy to get frustrated. Some of us have given more than we should have. Our money, our lives, our innocence…to/for a woman. And we did this all while being called racist, bigoted, white patriarchal males. Can you fathom the cognitive dissonance that causes?

      It’s easy to get frustrated with the flip side of the problem. I have lost track of the number of discussions I’ve had with people who think women should be subservient, or property, or stick to their so-called ‘roles’ in society. I’m not for one second supporting the idea of gold-diggers or people (men or women) leeching off others, nor do I suggest that men should be treated like dirt – but whilst Asher points to the problem of false rape allegations, he also hinted that a victim of rape should bear at least some of the blame for what happened. This is a common theme that still gets dragged up in trials – by now the Brock Allen Turner case should need no introduction for a prime example of this. The idea of men being entitled to women’s bodies hasn’t gone away.

      Being told you are bad, inherently, your entire life. Even if you do your best to fix it. Being told that males are sexist by the same person that sexually abuses you. Being told you are the worst trash in the world, with data supporting the idea that we ARE expendable trash, all by feminists. Being afraid to be around kids, or women, because any of them could have us arrested on a whim. Being told that you rape people, even if it is subconscious. Then…a few of us DARE to form some sort of activist group…and immediately it becomes a group to hate. Not just hate…but be publicly acceptable to hate and demonize. I’ve lost friends for telling them I’m not a rapist. Seriously. A life long friend turned to feminism and demanded I admit I’m a rapist. I refused… (FYI, I’ve never raped anyone, and would kill myself before I did.)

      No one wants to be told they are worthless or expendable. I understand that. Equally, no one wants to be told they are an object to satisfy another person. No one wants to be told they are merely a vehicle for someone else. Yet women are told this, and continue to be told this, and their own activist group – feminism – gets demonised every single day. I’m sorry for what your friend did, that was obviously stupid, but is that the be-all and end-all of feminism?

      I’ve had run-ins with radical feminists who like to demonise all men. Naturally, I take offense to that. Equally, I have had constructive dialogue with radical feminists and liberal feminists. I have seen feminists come under fire on Twitter for simply daring to utter the word feminism – and some of the remarks and insults hurled at them were outrageous. I’ve caught flak from self-styled MGTOWs for stepping in to support my feminist friends. The incidents and problems you describe – they cut both ways.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Some of the MRA guys are probably just like radical feminists. An extreme reaction to systematic injustice. The difference is, from my experiences, MGTOW’s are literally “going their own way.” While the radical feminists deliberately inject themselves into public discourse and try to get legislation changed to control how I sit on a train.

        For me, you can reference as much HuffPo as you want, and tell me all of these nice things about feminists…but my experience with it is exceedingly negative. From multiple feminists. Over years…and years…and years. I won’t just ignore what I witnessed or remembered. Isn’t gas-lighting a technique used by abusers?

        There is a lot to address. I do want to say something on the rape victim blame game.

        I was a victim of sexual assault. Multiple times. I blame myself for not being prepared, trained, and lethal enough.

        Granted, I was a child, and it is difficult to fight back against a feminist when she is the one that feeds you. But I could have done something, said something, fought back. Avoided certain situations.

        I know it is her fault, fundamentally. Just like it is a tornado’s fault for destroying a trailer.

        But I’m the one that kept building a trailer in kansas. Follow the analogy?

        Which is why it will never happen to me, or my family. We are trained to handle violent encounters, taught to responsibly use fire arms, martial arts, and a few other tricks.

        There is a difference between blaming the victim and pointing out ways to empower the victim. Were they wearing high heels? Why not get them steel-toed combat boots. Short skirt? Why not BDU’s with conceal carry permit. Train them to fight, to kill. That is how to help a rape victim. It certainly makes me feel much better. I still have the nightmares. But you know…when I wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, my combat knife is under the mattress, my firearm is nearby, my security camera is recording, motion detectors, and my beautiful wife knows martial arts. I’m good.

        An acquaintance of mine just went missing today…a minor. I look through her facebook and see a few douchebags that no girl should be around. Yeah, I blame whoever kidnapped her. If I find them, I’ll beat them to shit. But you can sure as hell bet I’m buying that girl some pepper spray and martial arts lessons.

        Blaming can be powerful, you know? What gave me hope and power was knowing that I WAS partially responsible. That I actually had some control again. That I could have changed things, and it isn’t too late to change now. The worst thing to think about, (even gives me chills now,) is to think of myself as powerless, and that I had no control at the time. It is….gut wrenching.

        It gives me comfort to think “I could have stood this way, wore this, carried this weapon. I could have never done this. I could have told someone. I could have destroyed her.” Because that same awareness, for me, is what I use every day to keep myself safe.


      2. There’s a lot to digest here, so forgive me if I don’t reply straight away. I will aim to do so when I can, in detail, as I don’t want to give this short shrift.


  4. To you married guys you are nothing but simps funding the lives of women and or childern that will never really love you cause they are not capible of loving nothing more then a meal ticket or wage slave that is all Men are to women when they are not calling us Misgynoists or rapists for daring to be for men having legal rights we lack as well


      1. Shame victims who refuse to report but demand the rights if men accused of rape to be thrown out no right to a fair trail no right to face their accuser you know shit outlined in American law not your UK kangaroo courts and oh yeah all womens issues are more important cause they are women and thus better than men wanting our legal rights to be on par with women rights their are not equal rights for men and feminism wants to keep the gender rights divide in their favor while making sure men lose more of ours all to give women more rights and power over men’s lives oh and By the Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkZqMwQUgqk&list=UU6WqMYFsoP3BlN_16rUGooA


      2. So men lacking genital integrity men making up most of the homeless and suicide not having their parental rights respected by family court or Men having no choice in parenthood he gets beholden to her choice to keep a child and is on the hook for paying for a child all those issues do not matter only issues Feminism says women have matter right?
        Like sexist air conditioning man spreading on public transit or mansplaining them saying we live in a rape culture despite actual rapists or even guys accused of rape get publicly crucified even if he is innocent . Only things Feminists say matter are things that should be fixed men have perfect lives and control everything according to feminists


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