Guns, Mandates, Compassion and Idiots

It’s been a while since The MGTOW Who Shall Not Be Named (henceforth referred to as TMWSNBN) dared to confront this site. The other day Justdrivewillyou posted another pertinent article about the terrible attitude towards guns in the USA – you can see their post here. What’s particularly disturbing is that Mr Massie’s post came only a few days after yet another mass shooting, and yet another shooting at a school, this time in Michigan. Massie was tone deaf, and TMWSNBN is showing his own particular brand of ignorance.

So Mr. hates guns gun owners Republicans and White folk had a shit take. He is enraged by that pic but not by the eroding of rights by his country and Australia where they are removing peoples right to make medical choices for themself . They are denying people access to buy food from shops go to any public or private venue . I hate the entire establishment both Dems and Reps all do not have my consent to govern me or my life . Scrap the entire gov

I cannot speak for Justdrivewillyou, but as far as I know they do not hate gun owners, Republicans or white people. I for one certainly do not hate any of them, though I loathe guns, and I harbour a disdain for people who choose to ignore facts – such as TMWSNBN. TMWSNBN has been presented with a treasure trove of facts regarding guns and gun crime, but he cannot separate reality from his imagination. Indeed, his love of guns runs so deep that presenting facts might earn me another threat of violence from the ableist, racist, sexist.

He also bemoans a lack of freedom – but he merely betrays that he doesn’t understand what a mandate is or how freedom works. He wants all the benefits of his system but doesn’t want to take any form of responsibility for it – people continue to die from covid, yet he is one of many crybabies who doesn’t care about that. Nor does he understand that he is free to not get vaccinated – but he is not free to risk spreading a deadly disease. There are consequences to our actions, and whilst he may believe he is the only person in the world who should have any rights, he’s wrong. I wonder if his little mind can comprehend that?

65 thoughts on “Guns, Mandates, Compassion and Idiots

  1. Just for the record, I don’t hate all guns, all Republicans or all white people. But I do make exceptions in each of those cases. Because one thing I DO hate is all attempts to stereotype, and paint everything and everyone with the same broad brush. It’s a weak argument.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Fuck stick Ben I refuse to comply with any mandate as they all are arsinie take this vax or you can no longer eat / buy food what next take the vax or we the gov take your home your bank account and put you in our enturment camp.


    1. I decided to approve this comment so people can more easily see the kind of idiotic arguments Asher makes. Asher, you can still buy food you fuckwit! There are things called ‘delivery services’. There are probably shops near you that don’t care if you get a vaccine or not. Your hysteria around ‘enturment’ camps is just that – hysteria. Honestly, I’d say dealing with you is like dealing with a child, but children have more common sense and logic than you, not to mention maturity.


  3. Asher has had a few things to say, including a comment I missed from him waaaaaaaay back in October:

    [Quote]You are a pro forced vax moron retard that should be removed from breathing So Is gus He thinks all should be forced to takethe vax to live work and feed themselves you people are insane[/quote]

    He does enjoy his ableist slurs doesn’t he? The reference to Gus concerns this post:

    Note also yet another thinly-veiled threat! I have protected his identity (he bragged that I don’t know who he really is, yet I know his name, address, and some other details), but in the face of his on-going hostility and cowardly behaviour, do I owe him that?

    Thing is, I *will* protect his identity, despite his shitty behaviour. He does not deserve my protection, but he has it anyway. He doesn’t understand mandates, he doesn’t understand that he has his freedom to not get vaccinated, and he doesn’t understand that choices carry consequences and responsibilities.

    There’s more:

    [quote]Oh dear lord pal get out the fainting couch how dare a man and his family take pictures with guns .. You have to be fucking joking this picture enrages you. But what is being done in your own nation to peoples freedoms as well as what is being done down under ….. I do not fear most civilians with guns I fear government enforcers with guns . This guy is less of a threa with the rifles he has than your average jackboot thug of the UK or Australia Hell even America cops enforing lockdowns and vax passports . I am at the point of being ungovernable I do not trust any establishment political actors ie most Reps and all Dems they all fucking suck[/quote]

    Trust Asher to glorify guns in the wake of a mass shooting. As mentioned over and over again, across various avenues, mass shootings are a uniquely American situation, and gun violence in the US is significantly higher than in other developed nations. He imagines bogeymen threats to freedom and ignores the actual problem. I have all the freedoms he possesses, but the difference is I *understand* what those freedoms mean. I enjoy my freedoms *without* the risk of having a gun pointed at me. Children in UK schools do not face the threat of mass shootings. Asher understands *none* of that, and is too much of a coward to address the facts.

    [quote]Fuck stick Ben I refuse to comply with any mandate as they all are arsinie take this vax or you can no longer eat / buy food what next take the vax or we the gov take your home your bank account and put you in our enturment camp.[/quote]

    I’m pretty sure you can still get food delivered đŸ˜‰ and why should anyone be forced to be at risk from the virus, all because a whiny MGTOW is afraid to do what’s right to help protect others?

    His last comment is the best one:

    [quote]I also love how you made me your personal Voldermort[/quote]

    Bwwwwwwwwwahahaha! Asher’s site exists because of *me*. He has devoted so much time and energy to directing his rage and fury in my direction that it’s pretty clear I’m the villain in his personal hero story.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. They’re not the brightest of human beings, are they. Wanting better gun controls, does not = hate gun owners, lol. I am friends with gun owners. There are plenty of Democrats, Liberals and those on the Left, who HAVE guns.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh all because I am not a male feminist who wants the most strict gun control means I am not bright by your standaards cool . Wanting the most strict gun control is the same as wanting gun owners to have their property taken by gov thugs as that is akin to hating gun owners who do not vote the way you do … Let me guess only people allowed guns should be the gov thugs and good lil Socialist revlutionary activist if you belive in freedom and capitalism no gun no property for you right?


      1. As ever Asher, you mutilate the point. Stop being so rabidly dishonest. You have zero idea what Lolsys, myself or anyone else commenting on guns wants in terms of gun control. Stop seeing this as a strict A or B choice. There are various forms of gun control in action all over the world. Canada, France, Germany, the UK, Japan… all have different forms of gun control and all have much lower rates of gun deaths and gun violence. Your imaginary socialist bogeyman argument is a product of fantasy, not reality, and as the reality has been explained to you many times, I can only conclude you are lying at this point. Stop lying and try discussing the facts in good faith for once.


      2. Who hurt you Asher. If you’re a Law Abiding citizen, why would you even have your guns taken away from you in the first place, with stricter gun controls? That doesn’t make ANY sense. IF you’re a Law abiding citizen, then you wont have your guns taken away. Is that your problem though, you know perfectly well YOU shouldn’t have a gun.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. You raise an interesting point. I don’t recall for sure, but I think Asher did mention having a rap sheet. With that in mind, and given his tendency to issue threats to do violence, under his own gun control ideas he shouldn’t own guns.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Exactly. Many countries to have encountered serious gun crime have taken steps to deal with it, and they’ve dealt with it in various ways. Guns are still legal in the UK but under certain conditions. The same is true of many nations. These measures are proven to work, but sadly, the 2A is deemed more important than the right to life.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Why should I be frced to take a vax I do not want if those who took the bullshit and all of the billion boosters that they will be made to take to live life are protected …. Oh wait the vax is not really all that protective just lessens symtoms but you can still catch it and spread it even fully vaxed like a sheep. I would sooner take a bullet to my brain over this vax as for me I do not like being forced or mandated into putting stuff into my body . You collectiviest seem to think you should be allowed to froce or shame others into taking meds you take all for some called greater good . If you wish to live with your gov mandated vax every few months cool let me do so without you demanding I comply like a good sheep. I will take natural imunity over this MRNA bullshit . Suck off big pharma and leftist eleites because this vax is so great have at it. I pick to tell the gov to piss up a rope . and hang from it. Ben you do not know my real name or anything . You have troll Facbook account at best . I take your lil threats of Doxing the info you claim to have as serious . Just hope I never devote real time into finding you like you calim to have done on me . My threats will become much more actionable at that point


    1. No one is forcing you to take the vaccine Asher. We have had this discussion before and you keep repeating the same hysterical ignorant dishonest mantras. You have the freedom not to take it, but there are CONSEQUENCES for every action. THAT is the point I have repeatedly made to you. What will it take for you to understand that?

      Asher, I not only know your name (after all, you were bloody quick to hide it from comments on your site, a kneejerk fear reaction if ever there was one) but I could tell you your address. I consider that information to be an insurance policy – given you have offered up yet another tacit threat (here’s a hint for you, threats of physical violence due to arguments usually come from idiots and cowards) it seems my actions are warranted. However, whereas you are so afraid of how your views reflect upon you that you hide behind ‘Asher’, you’ll see that for months now I’ve been using my real name. If you ‘devoted’ time to finding more about me, you’d find a ton of stuff via links to and from this site. Unlike you, I am not skulking around in the shadows, ashamed of who I am. I’ll also take the sensible approach to any threats you make – I’ll contact the police, and let them deal with you, because adults do not resort to cowardly chicken-shit threats of violence when they lose an argument.


      1. Ben if you really feel the need be the pile of leftist shit collectivist I kno you are drop the Doxx you think you have I removed that name as tying that page name ie my facebook troll page to my stuff here is not what I want . You claim you love Austrilla style forced buy backs. all gun control is bullshit period . covid is a less of a threat to my life than increased gov control of my life is . So take any and all vax you want I prefer to be a pure blood not a MRNA mutant


      2. LOL. You think me collectivist, whereas you want sexual and racial conformity. Ironic no? I bet you don’t even understand that. I haven’t doxxed you. I have merely stated a position, and if you persist in issuing threats, I am in a position to use what I know about you to have the police intervene. Whether that happens is entirely dependent upon your behaviour, but I’ll state once again that I am an open book, I do not hide my real self away in the shadows, unlike you.

        Nor am I saying ‘do things the Australian way’. For the record it’s worked, as have the methods employed to control gun violence and deaths in Japan, Canada, UK, France, Germany etc. There are many MANY methods of gun control, and they don’t all equate to this weird notion you’ve conjured in your head. At what point will you be honest and address this fact, instead of making up arguments no one has made to go after? Drop the cowardly strawman argument and address what has actually been stated, if you can.


      3. What level of gun control or new laws would stop the next wold be mass shooter? Cause pal their are million and millions of guns in America …. Do you think a full bore public gun owner resgestry would stop bad people ? If a person wants a gun to do harm or protect themselves they will get it . Cartels traffic guns to blue states or cities with a near ban on gun ownership . Background checks do not stop people who want them bad enough. So what short of a theoretical ban would stop that person. Let me assume you are honest you do not support bans or forced buy backs . I will not be giving up a single gun I own . I think all current gun laws are afornts to our consitution. I frankly do not think I hould be forced to do bi yearly mental evaluations by some leftist that is as anti gun as you . Zero gun control in a country as diverse and large as America will stomp out inidences of gun violence , Can we curb it sure but at the cost of our right to bear arms being ever more infringed upon.


      4. You think zero gun control would work? That’s more or less what the USA has now – how has that worked out for you so far? Compare to virtually another other civilised nation – stop and actually THINK for a moment. Background checks are a start, evaluations have proven effective in Germany, and restrictions on the types of firearm and ammunition available have made a huge impact on gun violence in France, the UK and elsewhere. You can continue to have guns (under the 2nd A’s idea of ‘well-regulated’) and people can be safer. That is a ‘win-win’ in any reasonable person’s book. There are many solutions out there, which have worked across many nations, and they have saved lives. How many people must die needlessly for the sake of your right to bear arms? How many children have died in school attacks for the sake of your right to bear arms?


      5. So America should adopt all the things others nations did ? We do restrict what guns can be bought you need a certain tax stamp to buy a few guns regulated by the NFA same with needed a tax stamp to buy a suppressor we just do not restrict the guns you want banned. ie all semi auto firarms we restrict some ammo I do not agree with any of it .


      6. I didn’t say they should adopt ALL the things other nations do – but surely you can agree that the current system in the US is not working? Why is it the US murder rate with guns alone is higher than that of several other nations’ murder rates combined? Why are mass shootings a uniquely US problem? How much blood needs to be spilt before the system changes or is adapted?


      7. 1 mass shootings are not only a American issue but go on cherry picking your stats that conform to you dislike of guns and people with them. No the current system is not working only change id make is to repeal all laws for adults that are not violent felions from owning as many guns in any style they want . Hell to solve for school shootings you hate my idea let teachers who pass a training course to do so if they want . That messed up teen who ends up getting a hold of a gun before a school can intervine and remove them well that teen might not see a school as a soft target


      8. Mass shootings happen far more often in the USA than elsewhere – that is a fact Asher. That is on top of a murder rate with guns that is several times greater than the UK’s total murder rate. Did you know that over two-thirds of US murders involve guns? In fact that number might be higher now…


      9. Mass shootings happen far more in the USA than anywhere else Asher. The US murder rate with guns alone has been significantly higher than the total murder rate of the UK for several years. It has been higher than Japan’s murder rate, Canada’s murder rate, France’s, Germany’s, and so on. There are no quick fixes and no easy solutions, but I cannot imagine for one second that you care any less about children being killed at school than I do, so surely you agree something should change?


      10. Yeah concequences like not being allowed to live my life buy food as I do not like others handling my items as they could be vile like you and harm a non covid sheeps food out of spite… Hyperbolic sure . I will ot be treated as a second class citizen in my own Country because a petty tyrants like Biden and Fauci want to demand I take a medical treatment I do not want or my life is on hold until I comply Fuck you Vax tards who want others to have no medical choices because greater good. Fuck Joe biden and all who voted him in also Fuck Trump for pushing people to take that vax just the same


      11. Hahaha, you think I am so bad I would tamper with your orders?! I dare say you are likely projecting your behaviour again Asher. Face it, you want maximum freedoms without having to do any of the work to earn them. You don’t give a shit that *businesses* (forget the government for a moment) have their own rules regarding masks/vaccines/distancing, because they understand there is a duty of care to their employees and customers to keep them safe. I know the safety and welfare of others means fuck all to you because you’re incredibly selfish, but thankfully most people have better emotional awareness and empathy than you. Don’t get vaxxed, no one is forcing you to, but don’t whine that your choice has an impact. *Every* choice has an impact on our lives Asher, and in some cases on the lives and well-being of others. You don’t get to ignore your responsibilities just because you want to be a cry-baby.


      12. You people wish death and sickness on us un vaxxed so why not . Hell tpyes like you cheer when a non vax person get sick from covid. I am done with you people who think all should comply no matter what. Hell you pro vaxed people gave up freedom for security and you will get nor deserve neither . So keep push all people around you to take every jab they say is good maybe the next round will work by 2040


      13. Stop talking such stupid outrageous bullshit Asher, if you can. I have never celebrated death or cheered when people get sick. Such hyperbole from you is standard but also incredibly pathetic and a sign that you are not capable of reasoned discussion. I can just as easily argue that your refusal to get vaccinated is a tacit desire on your part make sure people catch and suffer from this virus. Or maybe it’s just that you do not give a shit if people get sick, as you are incredibly self-centred? I have never said ‘comply no matter what’, that is just another example of your dishonesty Asher. You lie as easily as others breathe. Would you care to explain why you spout so much stupid crap?


      14. Semantics. I know fully what you were implying and it’s bullshit. Shall I accuse you (or ‘people like you’) of rejoicing every time someone allegedly gets ill or dies from a vaccine? Because that’s the childish game you’re playing. The evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of the vaccine saving lives, but that deals with facts and we know you hate facts.


      15. Fact is I will not take that Vax as its my medical choice . They wanna try and froce it by making me not allowed to have money ie not allowed to work okay try that see how fast that is struck down. A store has zero right to demand I get vaxed


      16. A store also has every right to refuse service to you under whatever grounds it sees fit. You cannot force them to accept you onto their premises if you cannot meet their conditions.


      17. If the vax protects so well why worry if I or others choose not to get it… You want them to validate your choice to take it . If it protects so well let others take the risks they want .


      18. Do you know how vaccines work? They do not make it impossible to prevent the spread of a disease unless a certain threshold is reached. If people choose not to get it out of ignorance or brainwashing, and that threshold is not reached, we have the scenario we have now. The virus not only continues to spread but mutates. Imagine if only part of the population had been vaccinated against smallpox – it would not only remain but by now would have mutated further, and it would continue to be deadly.


      19. So in your book people who do not want this vax should be put in camps? Or just not allowed to live normally . I have valid reason that I refuse it . It is my Choice not yours the store or the gov to make on what medical care I get … What part of that do you miss in your vax zealot nature. Do you like the fact you must get booster after booster . Mass non compliance is how this ends . Let covid burn through the people not yet infected with it or who have not taken the mandated vax . We have a abundance of a population on earth . I am tired of you people wanting a lockdown everytime when a person gets a cold flu or covid . We as humans have survived millions of years and many viruses . We have treatments for covid they work . Can we please unlock the world and get on with life . People die such as life


      20. This is *exactly* the sort of ridiculous dishonest hyperbole that makes it very difficult for me to take you seriously Asher. No one is talking about locking people up or placing them in camps. It is incredibly wearing to read how you basically want to cull people just so you can go shopping. Your lack of compassion and empathy is duly noted. No one should be placed at risk of the virus, yet you would apparently and gleefully remove that choice from them.


      21. Just like they can choose not to serve me I am free to choose to not allow them my money . I do love how you people want to discriminate and other people for not getting the vax but cry foul when a cake shop refuses to bake a cake or a mens only club bans women from entry unless they are performing a service ie waitress or a like. . So its bake the cake biggot let the woman in sexist but no you are unvaxed sorry your not allowed . Do know that the most vax resistant folks are typically Black. Covid mandates new Segregation laws . Proof the left never stop being racist. I say this as a racist and sexist that shit is evil to me . I am not a second class citizen and refuse to be treated as one . Racist and sexist joke because your views on all should just take every vax are a damn joke… I like black folks and women Think every man should own a few …. Smartest thing to come out of womans mouth is a mans cock. Oh and only 2 genders exist rest are mental illness


      22. Yes, we have already established that you are free not to shop at certain establishments, just as they are free not to serve you, especially to protect their staff and other customers. The duty of care of an employer extends to cover more than just you, whatever your selfish views on the subject.

        I love how you conflate this with racial, sexist and homophobic discrimination. The laws on this are clear – refusal to allow someone into a shop for refusing to follow legitimate rules is not remotely comparable to a shop refusing service over discriminatory grounds. The fact that you then descend into a spiral of racism and sexism doesn’t change that you have mangled the law in this respect, and it comes across as childish posturing.

        When you post like this, it makes me feel sorry for you. Is that what you want Asher? My *pity*? Because right now, that’s what you’ve got. My pity. You have so much mis-directed rage and facts are merely obstacles to your agenda because of your rage. Consider this the last of your comments to be approved, until you can demonstrate you can be a rational adult.


      23. I actually think you are worse than that. Same with the rest of you vax fools guess what I do with places that try and enforce masking 1 if Do not have things I need from them I leave and refuse to give them my money as do not deserve it. 2 if they do have things I need well depends might put on a utterly useless mask from fake mask world wide as its compliant and pisses you mask karens off. or site the ADA and say have a issue that prevents me from masking. They cannot legally ask what it is.


      24. Funnily enough, I think you’re a pretty poor excuse for a human being too. You have zero empathy. You somehow manage to resent that businesses will perform their duty of care to look after people (mandate or no mandate). You think you should be free from responsibility and consequences. You lie (a lot). You are obviously afraid of a grown-up conversation, hence your childish whining, accusations and insults.


      25. No I do no fear adult conversations that are posible to be productive . You and I on a base level do not agree on anything . You show defferance to what you are orderd to do . I prefer to live my life unencumbered by that


      26. The very fact that you think I want to take orders in my daily life shows how little you have understood me or my arguments. I invite you to read my personal site – (see? Unlike you I am transparent as to who I am) to get a better understanding of who I am and how I live my life.

        As for disagreements… that is one thing, but the various insults, threats and generally churlish, ignorant and dishonest behaviour you have indulged in tell me that you have not been interested in having a reasoned, fact- driven discussion. Just look at your various posts about me or directed at me on your own site. You are full of anger Asher, anger, rage, fury – and it is is consuming you. I genuinely hope you find some form of peace in your life, but you won’t find it by raging at me or insulting me. I’ll call out that behaviour for what it is, every time.


      27. Do no lie saying you hope I find peace… Because yo do not you want me to be a good sheep and comply with the vax with all the gun control and with all the crap Feminism spouts about how evil men are
        Be fucking honest you do not wish me any peace .


      28. I have no idea what your version of peace is. Lie all you want about what you think my position to be (this is why reasoned debate with you is impossible, you are too full of irrational bluster), but my statement is genuine.


  6. This Virus is endemic ie with us for good so said WHO and CDC . Get on with your life live it let other live theirs . We all takes risks of death everyday we wake up . Far more likely to die in car wreck than this new virus . Its a new respertory illness we have survived many as a human race . Sadly the weak die sucks but reality is fucking cruel stronger folks survive and get natural imunity . We are not going to kill off covid with any vax it will be come weaker but more spreadable with each new strain . Its a new flu or common cold ie both Corona type viruses we do not shut the world down for why do so for this one . Wash your hands stay home if sick wear that face diper if you want. But fuck off with mandates


    1. Covid kills at a much higher rate than the flu or a cold. It has also has debilitating long-term effects on people, which we still do not fully understand, and there may be other consequences to catching it that we do not yet know of. It makes no sense to let it rip through the population, where it can mutate (you yourself admit it can spread more easily now), and quite possibly get worse. If we have the means to protect others from harm we have a moral duty to do so. The vaccine is one means, and it is proven to help slow down the spread, as are masks. I will never understand the cry-babies who behave as though a piece of cloth is the end of the world.


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